‘Tis the Season for SAD

It’s hard to believe that winter is already right around the corner. Didn’t the snow just melt?! With hot chocolate and snow boots also comes the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). SAD, aptly named, is extremely common in areas like ours where the sun seems to come out less and less the farther into the year we get. Although not completely preventable, there are ways to help combat the most common symptoms of seasonal depression.

One of the biggest contributors to SAD is a decrease in vitamin D levels and since we see a lot less of the sun during the winter, we need to find new ways to supplement nature. An easy way to sneak more vitamin D in is through the foods we eat. High in D3 and D2, salmon, egg yolks, and wild mushrooms are all great foods to incorporate into your winter diet. Supplements are always a great option too, but make sure to check in with your primary care doctor for help choosing the right type and dosage before starting a new supplement.

But despite doing all the right things, sometimes adding in D-rich foods or standing in the sunny corner of your home just isn’t going to cut it. If you find yourself still struggling more than usual, don’t hesitate to reach out to your support system- including your friends at Imagine Healthcare! We are adding a SAD treatment to our wellness infusions which includes a Myers' cocktail (a multi-vitamin therapy infusion) with added folic acid and a vitamin D injection. This new infusion can be used alone or in conjunction with your ketamine treatments to help stave off your symptoms. Talking with your therapist about adding more frequent appointments isn’t a bad idea either!

Winter may be coming but we are always here to help! If you find yourself still struggling more than usual, don’t hesitate to reach out to your support system- including your friends at Imagine Healthcare!

Be Well,



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