Meaghan Bindokas, P-EMT

Hello!  My name is Meaghan Bindokas, and I am a tech at Imagine Healthcare. I earned my paramedic license through Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, and spent the first part of my career in Chicagoland on an ambulance providing emergency care.  After getting married, I was looking to transition into something with more "normal" hours so I could spend more time with family (especially my dog, Finnegan!).  My search led me into the field of mental health and thanks to a "right place at the right time" situation, I met and got to work closely with Rachel and Chrissa, never looking back!  Four years later and I am still working exclusively with ketamine for mental health and chronic pain patients.

I have gotten the opportunity to see Imagine Healthcare be built from the ground up, keeping patients the top priority throughout.  This truly is a dream clinic, and a model that doesn't exist anywhere else.  I'm so proud to be a part of team Imagine, and I'm proud of YOU because if you're reading this, you're most likely looking into treatment.  Starting is one of the hardest parts, and you're already taking that step!  You got this.